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Sepsis - A sudden attack by bacteria

Sepsis - A sudden attack by bacteria Definition Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by an abnormal host reaction to infection. Clinically, long-term dysfunction can be assessed with an SOFA score (respiratory system / nerve system / circulatory system / liver / coagulation / kidney) and diagnosed when microbial infection is identified as the cause. * Position: Whole body Cause Microbial infections cause sepsis. The cause of infection can be any organ in the body. Pneumonia, pyelonephritis, meningitis, cellulitis, infective endocarditis, peritonitis, bedsores, cholecystitis, cholecystitis, etc., can cause sepsis. When such an infection occurs, the causative microorganism may invade the blood and cause sepsis. Symptom Early symptoms may include increased breathing rate, neurological disorders such as loss of mental power (time, place, cognitive perception of the person) or confusion. The skin may look dark due to a decrease in blood pressu...
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Tonsillolith(Tonsil stone) - Small yellow mass of rice grain size coming out of the mouth.

Tonsillolith(Tonsil stone)- Small yellow mass of rice grain size coming out of the mouth. Definition   It refers to a small yellow grain of rice grain size that is caused by food waste and bacteria gathering in small holes in the tonsil or tonsil. The name says it is absent, but it is not as hard as most stones. If the condition of teeth and tongue is clean, it smells bad, and when brushing your teeth and exacerbating nausea, you may be suspicious if rice grains pop out. Cause   The most common cause is chronic tonsillitis. Frequent tonsillitis can cause small holes in the tonsils called tonsils to grow. If food waste gets stuck in this enlarged hole, it becomes an environment where bacteria can reproduce well, and when bacteria form together and form small grains, it becomes a tonsil stone. People who have poor oral hygiene or have a nasal concussion over the back of the throat due to rhinitis or sinusitis are prone to tonsil stones because they are conditions pron...

Irritable bowel syndrome - 28% of patients with digestive symptoms

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Asthma - Cough & Rough breath

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About Pneumonia

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COVID-19 FAQ Infectious disease information Q. What kind of virus is coronavirus? A. Coronavirus is a virus that can be transmitted to animals and humans. Among them, six types of human coronavirus are currently known. Four of them are viruses that cause diseases such as colds, and the other two are known as MERS corona virus and SARS corona virus, respectively. Corona19 virus is known to be transmitted to humans through pneumonia in Wuhan, China. Through the open sequencing of the current corona19 virus, the Center for Disease Control confirmed that the corona19 virus was 89.1% consistent with the bat-derived SARS virus.  Q. How is coronavirus infection-19 transmitted? A . The route of the Corona 19 virus is contact with droplets (droplets) and respiratory secretions (runny nose, sputum, etc.). When a virus-infected person coughs or sneezes, a droplet that has been blown into the air enters another person's respiratory tract, or when a vi...

what is epicondylitis

What is epicondylitis. Definition Osteoarthritis exercises with arms such as tennis, golf, etc., the upper and lower parts of the elbow joint (inside, the upper and lower parts of the spine, the area where the curvature or extension of the spine muscles began). The upper overhang is called “tennis elbow,” and the back overhang is called “golf elbow.” It fits well with many arms, and other exercises than tennis and golf, vocals like 1% of computer users, housewives, carpenters, cooks, etc., about 1% of prevalence, about 0.1%. Cause Epicondylitis occurs when the extremity and flexion muscles of the wrist joint are overloaded or repeatedly used excessively. Inner epicondylitis is a problem with the wrist flexor muscle, and outer epicondylitis is a problem with the wrist joint muscle. In particular, microscopic tearing (rupture) occurs in the tendon when the muscle is contracted and overloaded, but it is known that chronic pain occurs due to incomplete and abnormal healing due ...