Infectious disease information
Q. What kind of virus is coronavirus?
A. Coronavirus is a virus that can be transmitted to animals and humans. Among them, six types of human coronavirus are currently known.
Four of them are viruses that cause diseases such as colds, and the other two are known as MERS corona virus and SARS corona virus, respectively.
Corona19 virus is known to be transmitted to humans through pneumonia in Wuhan, China. Through the open sequencing of the current corona19 virus, the Center for Disease Control confirmed that the corona19 virus was 89.1% consistent with the bat-derived SARS virus.
Q. How is coronavirus infection-19 transmitted?
A. The route of the Corona 19 virus is contact with droplets (droplets) and respiratory secretions (runny nose, sputum, etc.).
When a virus-infected person coughs or sneezes, a droplet that has been blown into the air enters another person's respiratory tract, or when a virus on his hand touches the eyes, nose, or mouth, the virus penetrates through the mucous membrane and becomes contagious.
Q. What is the official term for this disease?
A. As of February 12, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the new coronavirus was named “COVID-19”.
Q. What are the symptoms of coronavirus infection-19?
A. The most common symptoms of coronavirus infection-19 are fever, fatigue and dry cough, and some patients may experience pain, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea.
These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected, but they do not develop symptoms and do not feel discomfort.
Most people (about 80%) recover without special treatment. About 1 in 6 people with coronavirus infection-19 suffer from serious illness and have difficulty breathing.
Older people or people with underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes are more likely to develop severe.
The fatality rate is about 2%, so people with fever, coughing and shortness of breath should be treated.
※ (Source) WHO, Q & A on coronaviruses
Q. Is it spread even in asymptomatic?
A. The main method of propagation of coronavirus infection-19 is through inhalation or contact with droplets discharged by patients who cough.
The risk of becoming infected with coronavirus infection-19 in asymptomatic cases is very low. However, many people with coronavirus infection-19 experience only mild symptoms, especially in the early stages of the disease.
Therefore, for example, patients with mild cough and who do not get sick may be infected with coronavirus infection-19.
Research continues to evaluate the duration of the Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 transmission and will share updated results.
※ (Source) WHO, Q & A on coronaviruses
Q. Is there a vaccine for Coronavirus Infection-19?A. No vaccine is currently known.
Q. There is no definite treatment, how do you treat it?
A. Coronavirus Infection-19 provides symptomatic symptomatic treatment (treatment in response to the symptoms of the disease).
The absence of a cure means that there is no targeted therapy designed to find and treat specific pathogens, such as corona19 virus or diseased cells, and it does not mean that there is no treatment.
Related to pregnant women and newborns
Q. Are pregnant women more vulnerable to coronavirus infection-19 infection than the general public, or are they at increased risk of severe, morbidity or mortality?
A. Currently, there is no scientific information on the susceptibility of pregnant women to coronavirus infection-19. In general, pregnant women are immunologically and physiologically more susceptible to viral respiratory infections, including coronavirus infection-19. Severe disease compared to the general population in the case of other related coronavirus infections, including SARS-CoV infection and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-), as well as other viral respiratory infections such as influenza during pregnancy, The risk of morbidity or mortality is high.
Q. Can pregnant women who have confirmed coronavirus infection-19 transmit the virus to the fetus or newborn baby?
A. Coronavirus infection-19 appears to be spread primarily by the droplets of the infected person or direct contact with the infected person. It is not known whether a pregnant woman confirmed with coronavirus infection-19 has an intrauterine infection in the fetus during pregnancy or can be transmitted to the newborn through other routes before and after delivery. Until now, it is known that the probability of an intrauterine infection from a pregnant woman confirmed as coronavirus infection-19 to the fetus is extremely rare.
Q. Are newborn babies born from coronavirus infection-19 confirmed patients more dangerous than those who are not?
A. Although there are not many cases, there are reports that confirmed pregnant women have been born prematurely. However, there is no evidence that there is a direct link between a pregnant woman's infection and preterm birth. To date, there are no reports of specific risks to newborns born from confirmed patients. However, given the side effects of other respiratory viral infections such as influenza (low weight, premature birth, etc.), the risk of coronavirus infection-19 in newborns cannot be overlooked.
Q. Is there a risk that coronavirus infection-19 will be transmitted to infants through breast milk?
A. To date, there have been no cases of virus detection in mother's breast milk confirmed as coronavirus infection-19, according to limited reports. There is no known information about coronavirus infections-19 through breast milk.
Q. When a child is infected with coronavirus infection-19, what are the symptoms and what should the guardian watch closely?
A. Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 is an acute respiratory infection that can have a wide range of symptoms, from asymptomatic to severe respiratory failure. However, from the cases reported so far, coronavirus infection-19 diagnosed at a child's age is relatively mild. However, infants and children at high risk, such as premature infants, chronic respiratory diseases, congenital heart disease, congenital immunodeficiency disorders, and cancer patients, have a relatively high risk of developing severe symptoms or severe symptoms. When diagnosed with coronavirus infection-19 and in a self-isolation state, the caregiver may have a child breathing faster than usual, or having difficulties with lactation, inability to eat well, if the lips appear blue or sagging, or have fever If this is the case, you should immediately contact the health authorities and seek medical attention and appropriate treatment.
Q. Can I be infected from pets such as dogs and cats?
A. There are many things that we do not yet know about the path of coronavirus infection-19.
Until now, there have been no known cases of transmission from companion animals such as dogs and cats.
Source: (WHO, Q & A on coronaviruses: Can I catch 2019-nCoV from my pet?)
(No, at present there is no evidence that companion animals or pets such as cats and dogs have been infected or have spread 2019-nCoV.)
Q. Do I need to wear personal protective equipment such as a mask while traveling?
A. Since coronavirus infection-19 has been reported (based on 3.4.) In 76 countries (including Korea) in Southeast Asia, please check the outbreak trends provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
When visiting the coronavirus infection-19 area, please observe the following precautions.
If you are visiting an area where coronavirus infection-19 has occurred, please observe the following points locally.
Wash your hands thoroughly in soapy water for at least 30 seconds.
* Palm, back of hand, between fingers, two hands together, thumb, under nails, etc.
-Be sure to wash your hands after going to the bathroom, before eating, after going out, or after visiting a place where people gather.
-If you do not have soap and water, use a hand sanitizer containing alcohol.
If you have respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, be sure to follow coughing etiquette.
-Wear a mask when visiting places where people gather.
-Wear a mask, especially when visiting a medical institution.
-If you don't have a mask, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves when coughing or sneezing.
-If you put on a tissue and cover your nose, throw it in the trash and wash your hands.
Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands.
Do not contact someone who has a fever or cough.
Be sure to eat cooked food.
Be careful not to visit animal trading markets or touch products such as raw meat.
Don't touch sick animals.
Q. What mask should I use?
A. The Korean Medical Association and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety suggested the use and use of masks by referring to the World Health Organization's recommendations (2020.1.29.) To prevent coronavirus infection-19.
<Recommendations for using masks to prevent coronavirus infection-19>
-Ministry of Food and Drug Safety-
◎ Applicable object
Individuals living in the daily life of the community (except those who are concerned about infection, such as workers in medical institutions, and those who are infected)
◎ When and how to use a mask
a. If you need to wear a health mask (NF80 or higher)
1) If you have respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, sputum, runny nose, sore throat
2) When a healthy person cares for suspected new coronavirus infection
3) When visiting a medical institution
4) Persons who are in occupational groups with high risk of infection and transmission, which must contact many people
Ex) Public transportation driver, salesperson, station attendant, post office delivery agent, courier driver, large building manager, and professional workers who need to directly respond to customers.
b. If you don't need to wear a mask: outdoor, not crowded, private space
c. How to use the mask
1) Wash hands with soap and water or wipe with an alcohol hand sanitizer before wearing a mask
2) After wearing a mask to completely cover the mouth and nose, make sure there is no gap between the face and the mask
3) Do not touch the mask while using it. If you touch the mask, wash your hands with soap and water or wipe with an alcohol hand sanitizer.
※ The recommendation applies to the general public in the community, and may be changed depending on the radio wave conditions.
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